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Weekly Police Blotter

Tuesday, June 30

Woman issued trespassing citation

A loss prevention worker at a store on the 2000 block of N. Central Ave. reported viewing on video surveillance a 30-year-old Marshfield woman, who had been banned from the store, enter the store and shop on June 29. The woman had been apprehended in the past for retail theft, the store had issued her a “Notification of Restriction from Property,” and the loss prevention worker had personally informed her that she was not allowed on the premises.

The woman will be issued a citation for trespassing. A date and time stamped photo of the woman entering the store was provided to police.

Wednesday, July 8

Wausau man taken into custody for probation hold

Police took a 23-year-old Wausau man into custody at 9:37 a.m. on a probation hold after dispatch received information from the Wausau Police Department that the man was in Saint Joseph’s Hospital. Wausau police also advised that if he was located and taken into custody that they would like to talk to him.

When an officer located the man, he ran away. After a search of the area, the man was located again and taken into custody without incident. The man was booked and turned over to the Marathon County Sheriff’s Office for transport.

48-year-old man cited for disorderly conduct

A witness reported that a married couple, a 48-year-old man and a 48-year-old woman, was involved in a dispute near the intersection of Hume Avenue and Becker Road. The man yelled profanities at the woman and then again to himself as he walked away.

The man then swore at the witness and asked if he wanted some, which the witness took as a challenge to a fight. The witness also thought the 48-year-old man may have hit the 48-year-old woman.

Officers made contact with both the man and woman separately, and they both denied any physical contact between them. The man did admit to the verbal altercation and that he swore at his wife and at the witness.

Police issued the man a citation for disorderly conduct.

Police perform citizen assist

A 19-year-old Spencer man requested assistance in retrieving an item belonging to him from a 34-year-old Marshfield man at 7:37 p.m. Police assisted in retrieving a steering wheel cover from the Marshfield man and returned it to the Spencer man.

Thursday, July 9

Man taken into custody for underage alcohol, resisting officer

Police took an 18-year-old Marshfield man into custody at 2:36 a.m. on the 300 block of S. Vine Ave. for resisting arrest and underage alcohol. The man was issued a citation for underage alcohol, and charges are being requested through the Wood County district attorney’s office for resisting an officer.

Telephone abuse reported

Police responded at 2:45 a.m. to a report of telephone abuse. A Marshfield resident reported receiving numerous calls and a voice mail from a nephew from Joliet, Ill. The nephew stated he was in town to meet the Marshfield resident to talk about family issues.

The Marshfield resident thought the nephew used the phrase, “Pack a gun,” in the voice mail. Police could not determine if the nephew used that phrase.

Contact was made with the nephew. He denied making the statement and stated he wanted to confront the Marshfield resident about past family problems.

Police advised the nephew to stop all contact with the Marshfield resident. The nephew stated he would stop contact and advised he was going to go back to Illinois. The Marshfield resident requested extra patrol.

Police respond to child custody dispute

At 11:51 a.m. a 25-year-old Marshfield man reported that his ex-girlfriend, a 23-year-old Marshfield woman, left the state of Wisconsin with his 13-month-old son against court order. He also stated the woman was on probation.

After further investigation, the woman and the son were still at her apartment in Marshfield. The woman’s probation officer advised her that she did not have permission to leave the state, and the woman agreed she would not leave.

Man turns himself in for multiple warrants

A Marshfield man turned himself in at the Marshfield Police Department at 2:14 p.m. He had an active probation warrant and several felony warrants due to nonappearances at drug court. The man was booked and then transported to Wood County Jail.

Unidentified woman steals clothing items

At 5:08 p.m. a manager at a store on the 200 block of W. Upham St. reported that a woman, who had yet to be identified, concealed items of clothing on her person and passed the last point of sale without rendering payment for the items. The manager stated there was surveillance video and additional information to assist the investigation. Investigation will continue.

RV trailer broken into on Anton Avenue

Police received a report that an unknown person used a prying tool to gain entry into a locked RV trailer on the 1700 block of S. Anton Ave. It was believed the person entered the RV, but nothing was out of place, missing, or damaged other than the entry door frame. The door and frame were minimally damaged and were still functional.

There are no suspects.

Sunday, July 12

Colby man taken into custody for OWI, second offense

An officer observed a truck accelerate rapidly in the 700 block of S. Central Ave. while having a loud exhaust. A traffic stop was conducted, and the driver, a 26-year-old Colby man, had glossy eyes, slurred speech, and a strong odor of intoxicants.

The man did poorly on field sobriety tests and was taken into custody for operation while under the influence (OWI), second offense. A blood draw was conducted followed by booking procedures. The man was later released to a responsible party after bond conditions were met.

Charges are being requested through the Wood County DA’s office for OWI, second offense and operation after revocation.

Woman arrested for Marathon County warrant

Police arrested a 38-year-old Marshfield woman on the 200 block of W. McMillan St. on a valid Marathon County warrant. She was transported to the Marshfield Police Department, where she was live scanned. The woman posted the necessary bond and was released.

Monday, July 13

Rental property damaged on Central Avenue

A landlord reported having a verbal agreement with a 31-year-old Marshfield woman where she could stay at an apartment on the 400 block of S. Central Ave. The landlord had not received any rent money after seven weeks.

After notifying the woman numerous times about the past due rent, the landlord changed the locks on the apartment door. Since that the time, the woman and several other unidentified individuals have been witnessed breaking into a living room window to gain entry.

The landlord stated the woman and others had used the residence as a party location and had left it in a less than desirable condition. A sliding glass window and the wooden trim surrounding the window were damaged. The landlord would like the damage to stop since the woman had already moved her belongings out of the residence.

Surveillance videos were requested to identify the unknown parties. Investigation will continue.

Police to investigate possible disorderly conduct

An 18-year-old man called police to have a civil standby done so he could have some property retrieved from a residence on the 300 block of W. Fifth St. The residents, a 47-year-old woman and a 62-year-old man, did not allow the 18-year-old to enter the residence.

The 18-year-old left, and the residents wanted to report that just before he called the police, he had entered their home without permission and caused a disturbance. Police did not have the 18-year-old’s contact information. Follow-up will continue.

Items missing from Depot Street residence

At 5:27 p.m. a 29-year-old Marshfield man reported several items missing from his residence on the 300 block of W. Depot St., and he believed that a 29-year-old Marshfield woman whom he lived with took the items while he was not home.

Police contacted the woman, and she stated that she was at the residence without the man present but only removed items that belonged to her. Police advised the man to compile a list of the items that were missing.

Personal information stolen to obtain loan, open credit card account

A victim came to the Marshfield Police Department at 6:12 p.m. to report identity theft. On or around June 2, someone used the victim’s personal information to obtain a $1,000 loan from a California lending company. The victim was unaware of the loan until receiving a past due notice for payment. Upon contacting the lending company, the company requested a police report be filed.

The victim also stated personal information had been used to open a credit card account, but that account was frozen upon being found to not have been opened by the victim. The victim had contacted Experian to report the identity theft.

Man taken into custody for Wisconsin Rapids warrants

At 10:13 p.m. police took a 19-year-old Marshfield man into custody for valid Wisconsin Rapids Police Department warrants. Officers transported the man to the Marshfield Police Department, where he was booked, and then turned him over to Wood County Sheriff’s Office jail as he was unable to post bond.

Tuesday, July 14

Gasoline stolen from vehicle

A 56-year-old Marshfield man reported that someone had siphoned gasoline out of his vehicle some time within the past week. The man stated he had not moved his vehicle from a parking lot on the 1400 block of S. Adams Ave. since he pumped gas into it on July 7, and the tank was now empty.

The man provided one suspect. When police contacted the suspect, he denied any involvement in the theft. There are no other suspects.

Unknown buyer sends fraudulent check

A victim reported receiving a check from an unknown person between July 9 and July 11 to purchase tires the victim had for sale on Craigslist. The buyer sent a check in the amount of $2,500, which was more than the asking price for the tires. The buyer stated the additional money was for shipping costs to Africa.

The victim cashed the check and wired the money back upon request of the buyer. Days later the victim’s bank informed the victim that the check was fraudulent. The victim stated the current loss at the time was $1,800. Investigation will continue.

Tablet missing from Laundromat

A 55-year-old Marshfield woman reported being in a Laundromat on the 1700 block of N. Central Ave. between 12 and 1 p.m. on July 12 when she forgot her Kindle Fire. The woman went back later that evening to retrieve it, but it was gone.

The woman did check with an attendant to see if the tablet had been turned in, but it had not. She also contacted Amazon customer service to “deregister” the item so it could not be accessed.

An officer contacted the Laundromat and learned that there are security cameras inside. The officer will contact the store manager on a later date to view the video. Investigation will continue.

Bicycle tire cut on Central Avenue

An 18-year-old Marshfield man reported someone had cut the rear tire on his bicycle while it was on the 100 block of N. Central Ave. between 4:15 and 5:30 p.m. on July 13. An officer observed two cut marks on the tires, which appeared to be made by a knife or similar object.

The man provided the name of a possible suspect, and the officer gave the man a Victim Information Card. Investigation will continue.

Mother, daughter warned for arguing

At 5:58 p.m. a mother and daughter — a 49-year-old Marshfield woman and a 25-year-old Marshfield woman, respectively — both contacted police in reference to an argument they were involved in between each other. The daughter was mad because her mother would not pick her up at Marshfield Clinic and would not give her money for a jacket. Both parties were arguing at the Marshfield Clinic and were guilty of agitating the other.

The mother was bringing the daughter to the police department when the daughter decided to exit the mother’s vehicle. The mother stated that she sometimes has other things to do other than providing rides to her daughter, which can agitate the daughter.

Police reminded the daughter that she is 25 years old with a valid driver’s license and should not need to rely on her mother to drive her places. Both were warned that if arguing continued, citations or arrests would result.

Suspicious vehicle, individuals on Laurel Court

A witness reported a suspicious vehicle on Laurel Court at 9:24 p.m. A black pickup truck with an American flag and a Confederate flag on the back was parked in front of the witness’ apartment building, and several individuals in the truck bed were pointing at the witness’ window.

When a friend of the witness’ went outside to confront the individuals, the truck immediately left and parked in another nearby lot. The witness did not know who owns the truck and asked several other residents of the building who stated the truck does not belong there.

The witness was concerned with being followed by the individuals because the witness is African American and had seen the vehicle several other times with the perception of being followed.

Police are attempting to locate the vehicle and speak with the owner.

blotter, crime, Featured, Marathon County Sheriff's Department, Marshfield Police Department, police blotter, weekly police blotter, Wood County Sheriff's Department


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