The awards are divided into five categories: AP Scholars, AP Scholars with Honors, AP Scholars with Distinction, AP National Scholars, and AP State Scholars.
AP classes are prepared and designed by the College Board. These courses bring the college experience to the high school classroom. Students who choose to take the AP exam have the opportunity to earn college credit that is transferrable to thousands of universities.
The AP Program at MHS consistently receives recognition from the College Board for being among the top schools in the state if not the region. High School Guidance Counselor Jenessa Reid believes high participation and performance rates coupled with the support from parents and the community is what sets MHS apart.
Stephen Nordin, a 2009 Marshfield alum, spoke at the ceremony. He encouraged the students to stay motivated and reiterated the benefits he received from taking AP courses at MHS. During his tenure at MHS, Nordin took 12 courses and 15 exams. Nordin is currently studying International Law and Politics at Oxford University in England.
Below is a list of students who were honored at the event:
The AP Scholar Award is granted to students who receive scores of 3 or higher on three or more AP exams.
First-time scholars | Ryan Jensen | Bradley Schroeder |
Joel Bahn | Baila Khan | Hannah Spangler |
Matthew Blanchard | Mary Kloos | Leo Steiner |
Patricia Bloczynski | Alexandra Krauter | Alyssa Stensberg |
Torin Bolander | Kyle Krizan | Alexis Straughan |
Tanner Boson | Michael Kruse | Katherine Streckert |
Ofek Brautbar | Martha Kupfer | Alexander Strege |
Cullen Bump | Joshua Lang | Colin Thomasgard |
Jared Burkart | Martin McCurtis | Jordan Tran |
Sara Dasler | Angelina Mort | Katherine Treankler |
Emma Dums | Brandon Nikolai | Nathan Ujda |
Brian Engel | Jenna Nordin | Rudy Weisenberger |
Carlos Escudero | Nicholas North | Brianna Welch |
David Falkosky | Matthew Oestreich | Zachary Wix |
Kegan Fassler | Rebecca Ott | Devan Wrege |
Tabor Ferris | Julianna Pelo | McKenna Wucherpfennig |
Erica Fisher | Raye Pernsteiner | Natalie Zuelke |
Lauren Forrest | Taylor Perrine | |
Bryce Gadke | Tristan Persson | Second-time scholars |
Adrian Garcia | Brittany Peterson | Michelle Aspeslet |
Thomas Gisvold | Nathaniel Peterson | Joshua Berres |
Riley Gramza | Jessica Purgett | Josie Brown |
Claire Greenlee | Andrew Rall | Ellie Fehrenbach |
Bethany Harder | Alison Reigel | Jay Mehta |
Brett Hasbrouck | Andrew Rutschow | Caitlin Michaelis |
Leah Hennick | Connor Sandok | Devon Stewart |
Jessica Herkert | Skylar Sautter | Cameron White |
Hailey Hoffman | Jessica Schaefer | |
Isaac Houk | Michaela Schar | Third-time scholars |
Isaac Huettl | Toni Schmitt | Susan Omoba |
Kailey Hutzler | Erin Schneider | McKenna Reed |
AP Scholars with Honors is granted to students who receive an average score of 3.25 on all AP Exams taken and scores of 3 or higher on four or more of these exams.
First-time scholars | Erin Mader | Rishabh Sharma |
Tyler Andres | Bryce Marion | Trevyn Tham |
Anna Bartsch | Austin Matthews | Justin Twardowski |
Courtney Bauer | Casey McHugh | Nichole Zador |
Tim Benson | Morgan McHugh | Colton Zahradka |
Patrick Dolan | Zachary Meissner | |
Jacob Draves | Nicholas Okon | Second-time scholars |
Megan Franklin | Heidi Olson | Melissa Brix |
Andrew Gilkerson | Aaron Peters | Brendan Colby |
Noelle Guldan | Alexandra Pue | Johanne Friedli |
Sarah Herkert | Kara Ripp | Kailey Hubler |
Dylan Johnson | Eric Schultz | Andrew Riesterer |
Zachary Korth | Trevor Schwecke |
AP Scholars with Distinction is granted to students who receive an average score of at least 3.5 on all AP exams taken and scores of 3 or higher on five or more of these exams.
First-time scholars | Miranda Forrest | Matthew Shulman |
Alexander Babinski | Lauren Gilbertson | Olivia Tierney |
Caleb Carter | Zachary Gilbertson | Charlotte Urban |
Rebekah Cravillion | Kayley Gripentrog | Zachary Voelker |
Ryne Felhofer | James Gui | Cameron Vrana |
Darina Georgieva | Michael Gui | Samantha Wagner |
Tiara Gilbank | Ryan Hayes | Andrew Wittman |
Jeffrey Hitchcock | Kristalena Herman | Craig Zalizniak |
Marshall Mueller | Anna Hilbelink | Mitchell Zillman |
Teagan Nelson | Noah Iniguez | |
Ian Pillai | Monica Kieke | Third-time scholars |
Nicholas Sachs | Rachel Koehler | Chelsea Akin |
Meg Sternitzky | Madeline Koehn | Jillian Behling |
Kate Xia | James Kollross | Nicholas Benson |
Devin Zahradka | Bradley Krueger | Stuart Deets |
Thomas Kruger | Austin Gilbert | |
Second-time scholars | Nathan Law | Gary Hill |
Ashlynn Babbitts | Zachary Leggon | Maggie Huettl |
Allison Barth | Jacob Limmex | Graeme Jacobson |
Bennett Bremer | Carolyn Lovelace | Matthew McCann |
Maria Brix | Rachael Luchterhand | Camilo Mesa |
Sarah Claessens | Raymond McConnell | Tori Nanstad |
Margaret Denowski | Trevor Neufeld | Muhammad Raza |
Ashley Duerr | Lara Prebble | Brett Roeglin |
Erica Ede | Benjamin Rall | Anna Roselle |
Michelle Fernandez | Alex Sainterme | Neehal Shukla |
Molly Field | Maggie Schreiner | Lucas Zuiker |
AP National Scholar is granted to students in the United States who receive an average score of at least 4 on all AP exams taken and scores of 4 or higher on 8 or more of these exams.
First-time scholars | James Kollross | Andrew Wittman |
Chelsea Akin | Bradley Krueger | Lucas Zuiker |
Stuart Deets | Nathan Law | |
Michelle Fernandez | Matthew McCann | Second-time scholars |
Austin Gilbert | Benjamin Rall | Muhammad Raza |
Ryan Hayes | Charlotte Urban | Brett Roeglin |
Gary Hill | Zachary Voelker | Anna Roselle |
Graeme Jacobson | Samantha Wagner | Neehal Shukla |
AP State Scholar is granted to the one male and one female student in each U.S. state and the District of Columbia with scores of 3 or higher on the greatest number of AP exams, and then the highest average score (at least 3.5) on all AP exams taken. MHS had a winner this year, and it was Neehal Shukla.
Graham Olson Scholars are individuals who not only have a quest for knowledge, but also thirst for understanding of self, others, cultures, and the physical and metaphysical realms of the world. Each year the AP coordinators choose one male and one female to recognize with this award. This year’s Graham Olson Scholars are Shukla and Muhammad Raza.
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