By Adam Hocking
MARSHFIELD — Mayor Chris Meyer told Hub City Times Monday that he will seek a fifth term as mayor of the city of Marshfield.
Meyer was first elected to office in 2008 and debated whether or not to run for another term.
“We have a lot of great things happening in Marshfield right now, from the (potential) sale of City Hall and move to a smaller, right-sized facility for city operations, to several developments on the business front. 2015 is also an important year as we finalize our city's mission statement and strategic plan as well as update our comprehensive plan that will guide the city for the next 10 years. When I add that to the support of my family, I decided to seek another term as mayor and will take out papers Dec. 1.”
Meyer said, in addition to his family, he consulted with former Marshfield Mayor Marilyn Hardacre, who he has said he views as a mentor, in making the decision to run.
“I had talked with my family, who have always been supportive, as well as Marilyn Hardacre since she was the last mayor to serve for eight years, which is what I will have served in April (of 2016).”
Candidates can start circulating nomination papers on Dec. 1. City Clerk Deb Hall said on Nov. 23 that no candidates have yet taken out nomination papers for the office of mayor.
Candidates will have from Dec. 1 until Jan. 5 to get the minimum of 200 signatures needed to be placed on the mayoral ballot, Hall said. The mayor of Marshfield is elected for a two-year term. The next mayoral election will be held on April 5, 2016.
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