For the Hub City Times
MARSHFIELD – As the city of Marshfield celebrates their 150th year anniversary, Dairyfest 2022 will be “Lookin’ Back and Moovin’ Forward,” with the 41st annual festival held the weekend after Memorial Day in Marshfield.
Dairyfest kicks off June 3, with the Dairyfest Breakfast. The first 1,000 attendees will get to take home a commemorative, ceramic coffee mug.
Later that day, “Picnic in the Park” will be held back in Columbia Park. Pack your own picnic lunch or purchase food from several food trucks and non-profit organizations. Children’s games and activities will be held in the park, and the Marshfield Civic Band will perform.
Saturday’s activities are jam packed and begins with siblings Ashley McCauley and Jordan Wolf looking to reach new heights as they make a run for the world record book for tallest stilts.
Additional activities include a traditional parade, pie and ice cream social at Upham Mansion, and downtown scavenger hunt. Learn about the latest in advances it the agriculture and dairy industry at Ag Innovation Alley; see the Spudmobile; and participate in family activities in the Wenzel Plaza for “Center City Fun Day.”
In the evening, an outdoor beer garden and music will take place at Nutz Deep II. There will be softball and disc golf tournaments as well.
For a complete list of activities on June 3-4, visit
More complete details will also be featured in a pull-out section of the June 1 Hub City Times,
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