Spiros authors bill to raise vaping, smoking age to 21
For Hub City Times
MARSHFIELD – A Marshfield lawmaker would like to see the legal age to purchase or possess vaping, nicotine, or tobacco products, raised from 18 to 21 years of age. State Representative John Spiros says he authored a bill to do just that, and to have a positive impact on the health and safety of Wisconsin’s young people.
“It would cover vaping so that vape shops could not sell to someone who’s less than 21. Vaping is starting at a very young age. I think even parents aren’t up to speed on the vaping either,” Spiros said. “And it would take the age to be able to purchase cigarettes from 18 to 21 as well.”
The bill has already had a public hearing in the Assembly Committee on Substance Abuse and Prevention.
“In committee last week I had to testify on this bill,” Spiros added. “There was a lot of support with a number of groups that came in, American Heart Association and others, that supported it.
“There’s a lot of momentum behind this bill, and it is bi-partisan, so truly it’s something I think that we can all get behind.”
But Spiros says that before it becomes law, the bill would need to be passed in both the State Assembly and Senate, and then sent to the governor’s desk for final approval.