Popular book series reimagined in MHS fall play
MARSHFIELD — For those familiar with a book and movie series featuring a boy wizard who saves the world, this is not that story.
There was, however, another group of students – other than the “braves” – who were a part of that series too – the Puffs. Known as the underdogs at this certain school, the story we hear told to us in MHS Drama Club’s fall play “Puffs” is about their version of events, and what it means to be the best version of you in your own life story (especially when a certain wizard named Harry keeps stealing your opportunities to be a hero).
The MHS Drama Club looks forward to presenting this popular parody play on Friday, Nov. 11th and Saturday, Nov. 12th at the MHS Auditorium. Written by Matt Cox, this was a college project that eventually found so much popularity, that it opened off-Broadway in 2015 and ran for eight months. Since then, it has found a special following among “Potter-heads” and people who enjoy (and criticize) the wizard series altogether. While intended to have actors play many roles, the play is not supposed to be literal, but rather a humorous, playful improvisational approach to the series.
The story follows Wayne Hopkins, a boy who lost his parents while he was a baby, and is forced to live with Uncle Dave in Cattlepoke Springs, New Mexico. After a mysterious acceptance letter from a wizard school in Europe invites him to attend, Wayne realizes he might be destined for greatness – until he meets a boy named Harry who receives the recognition and acknowledgement that Wayne hopes to live up to. He meets up with two other Puffs – Megan Jones and Oliver Rivers – and forges a close friendship, and a legendary trio is formed.
The cast of 30+ students includes juniors Liam Kaplan (Wayne), Henry Johnson (Oliver), and sophomore Stella Bohman. Junior Gavin Peckham appears as the popular Puff prefect, Cedric, and junior Jaime Boero appears as the great villain Mr. Voldy. Others include sophomore Makayla Schwantes as Professor McG, junior Sophie Rozar as Xavia Jones (the evil wizard who breaks free of Wiz Priz), Lucy Curtis as Blondo Malfoy, Johnny Binder as a Certain Potions Teacher and Uncle Dave, Jacob Lee as Harry, the Boy Who Lived, and numerous Puffs students played by Max Curtis (Ernie Mac), Sarah McKee (Hannah Abbott), Maya Groth (Sally Perks), Campbell Cutlan (Leanne), Arabelle Ellsworth (Susie Bones), and Alex Lee (J. Finch Fletchly and Zac Smith). We would also like to introduce youth performers Adelaide Ellsworth, an elementary school performer, and Lukas Zijlstra, a seventh grade student from Marshfield Middle School.
Tickets for this show are available at www.our.show/mfldpuffs (reserved seats only). Tickets cost $12 at the door or $10 if purchased online or in the office ahead of time. Ticketing is paperless, and all patrons will simply need their device or a print off of the ticketing document when you arrive at the door. Doors open at 7 p.m. and the show begins at 7:30 p.m. The show runs about two hours total, with a 15-minute intermission.