Police Memorial Week observed in Marshfield May 16
For Hub City Times
MARSHFIELD – This is National Peace Officers Memorial Week, and an observance will be held in Marshfield on May 16.
According to Lt. Dennis Keffer, “Our observance every year involves an honoring of Fred Beell. Beell is the only officer killed in the line of duty in the city of Marshfield.”
Besides guest speakers and departmental awards, there’ll be the annual 21-gun salute to the fallen. “‘We like to have a moment to have a gathering of our police family, and we do our department awards at that time,” Keffer explained.
For their more than 25 years of service, retired officers Dan Leonard and David Mattheisen will be presented with the ‘Fred A. Beell Award,’ and fallen officers Charles J. Irvine Jr. and Michael J. Michalski of the Milwaukee Police Department who died in 2018, will also be honored.
The public is encouraged to attend the observance starting at 6:30 p.m. in a new location for the event –the pavilion area at Marshfield’s Wildwood Park.