Campus Players production explores the possibility of divine grace
For Hub City Times
MARSHFIELD –– A run-of-the-mill white-collar businessman survives an office shooting and experiences what he believes to be a divine vision in “The Break of Noon” presented by the Campus Community Players April 19-21 at 7:30 p.m. and a matinee April 22 at 2 p.m., in the UW-Marshfield/Wood County Helen Connor Laird Theater.
“The Break of Noon,” written by Neil LaBute, examines how we cope with tragedy and near death experiences. As the play opens, the audience observes the aftermath of a homicidal assault on an office where 37 people were killed by a disgruntled former employee. A message from God touches the sole survivor, but it’s unclear if this man’s path will lead to personal enlightenment or if he’s exploiting his newfound fame.
The playwright allows the audience to consider fundamental questions like right and wrong and God and faith, as the characters struggle through their morality, past mistakes, and consequences.
“Neil LaBute has a way of laying on display human weakness, callousness, and shallowness as well as anyone. It’s always riveting to see just how far his characters will go in their pursuit of selfish ends. And yet, with the main character of John, there is a sense of mystery behind the man’s motivations. It’s this mystery that drives the story, and it’s one of the reasons I chose the play,” said Damian Ernest, director and assistant professor of communications and theatre arts.
The acting company is composed of UW-Marshfield/Wood County current students and alumni. The cast includes Joshua Carr (John), Pierce Ducsay (the Lawyer), Carly Rhyner (Ginger), Roxie Wetterau (Jenny), Tori Nutting (Jesse), Roiya Meyer (Gigi), and Chris Lowery (the Detective).
“The Break of Noon” contains adult language and content. Experience live theatre with this thoughtful drama. For tickets or more information, visit or call 715-389-6534.
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