Letter to the Editor: Reader wants voice back with referendum
Dear editor,
Let me say right away that I am not a resident of Marshfield. However, on April 3 those of you who are residents will have the opportunity to vote on a referendum dealing with big money and politics, and this is an issue that affects everyone in the State of Wisconsin.
Others within the Marshfield United to Amend group can speak much better regarding the harm that the Supreme Court ruling, known as Citizens United, has done to our political process. I simply ask that you vote in favor of the referendum for the simple reason that I am sick and tired of huge lobbies, and organizations – the NRA comes to mind – that have bought our legislators hook, line, and sinker determining what happens to me. These lobbies do not care about you and I and have robbed us of our representation and voice. I want my voice back.
It is time that our legislators are reminded that we, the people, are the government, and that they need to listen to us, not just those who can make them rich.
Please vote for this referendum.
Rosemary Mooney
Wisconsin Rapids, WI
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