Letter to the Editor: Wagner supports Johanek for county board
Dear editor,
I was very pleased to learn that Kristine Johanek is seeking to replace me in Wood County’s 4th District in Marshfield. I believe that she possesses the desire, temperament, and ethics to serve Marshfield and the people of the 4th district with distinction. I was especially pleased that Kristine made the effort to attend a county board meeting to familiarize herself with the processes and protocols of county board proceedings.
Kristine is retired from a distinguished career as an educator, so she is accustomed to handling diverse and huge amounts of information that a supervisor is expected to master.
Kristine and her husband are active in the Marshfield community, giving of their time and efforts to many activities, the most notable of course is the Marshfield City Band. Unlike her opponent, they have been residents of the district for 20 years and are solid, respected members of the neighborhood.
Kristine believes that communications starts with listening and will seek the opinions of those she represents on the issues that will affect them and their pockets.
I strongly urge my friends and neighbors to support Kristine at the polls on April 3. She possesses the skills and integrity to serve Marshfield with distinction on the Wood County Board.
Ed Wagner
Marshfield, WI
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