Winter parking guidelines for Marshfield
MARSHFIELD — Hub City Times thought it would be beneficial for readers to know what the rules and regulations are for winter parking. Marshfield Street Superintendent Mike Winch provided the following information regarding rules and regulations for winter parking, which reflects the city of Marshfield’s municipal code.
During the winter months, (November through April) daytime parking will be allowed on an odd-even monthly basis for unimproved or ditched streets. During an odd-numbered month, residents should park on the odd (north and east) address side of the street. Conversely, on an even month, residents are asked to park on the even (south and west) side of the street.
Daytime parking is allowed on both sides of improved or curbed streets and the bulb portions of cul-de-sacs.
There is no overnight parking allowed during the winter months on any city streets without expressed permission of the on duty police department shift commander and only in case of an emergency. Overnight parking is defined as the hours between 2:30 a.m. and 6 a.m.
Why does Marshfield implement the odd-even parking restriction on unimproved or ditched streets both day and night?
- It promotes efficiency for snow removal and deicing.
- Large emergency vehicles (ambulance and fire apparatus) have better access.
- It allows for the cleaning of streets.
Defining and dealing with snow emergencies
A snow emergency means an emergency exists whenever there is an accumulation of at least three inches of snow during a 24-hour period and the accumulation hinders or interferes with the safe and expeditious movement of traffic or impedes the ability of an emergency or public transportation vehicle to travel safely and expeditiously over the streets and highways of Marshfield.
Such emergencies continue in effect for a period of 48 hours after snow has ceased to fall, or until the snow has been removed from the streets or highways within the city, or until the snow emergency has been rescinded by the street superintendent.
Snow Emergency parking regulations: No vehicle can be parked on any public street or highway in the city of Marshfield during any snow emergency condition except as provided in the administrative code of traffic and parking regulations.
Declaration of a snow emergency: A snow emergency may be declared to exist by the director of public works and/or street superintendent. Snow emergencies are announced by notifying the news media in the area. The declaration of a snow emergency is a service aid only and not a duty on the part of such officials.
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